Strategist Moshe Sachar remains hidden in a secret tunnel beneath the
Temple Mount, safely removed from the chaos of Israel’s 1948 war of
independence, while mourners at the funeral of an elder rabbi weep above
him. Using the instructions the rabbi gave him before his death, Moshe
opens another sacred scroll and is transported again to the dramatic
biblical story of a charismatic but mysterious prophet, Yeshua. As word
of the miracles performed by Yeshua spreads, people whose lives he has
touched are caught up in destiny. A Roman centurion — in love with a
Hebrew beauty — is torn between his growing admiration for the enemy and
his duty as a soldier. Three “sparrows,” ragamuffin orphan boys, find
comfort while in hiding with Yeshua and become his vital messengers to
shepherd in Bethlehem. As all these characters converge on the dangerous
road to Jerusalem at Passover, bloody violence erupts, threatening the
future of the Roman state, and the surprising identity of Yeshua is