Hendrick Simmons despises her. Mariah Meeks doesn’t blame him—not after she rejected the handsome mechanic’s proposal two years ago. She’s certain she’s not meant for marriage. All Mariah’s energy goes to one purpose—her work as an agent of the Orphaned Children’s Society.

Now a prodigal father’s return threatens a boy under Mariah’s care. Mariah insists on approving the lad’s future home for herself, even though it requires a cross-country drive that’s too dangerous to take on her own. For the child’s sake, Hendrick agrees to join her. Can a journey of 2,000 miles bridge the distance between them … and reveal where Mariah truly belongs?

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About The Author

A small-town Michigan girl, Christine holds degrees in English and library studies. She feels blessed that two of her manuscripts were finalists for Romance Writers of America's Golden Heart Award.  When not at the computer keyboard, she loves to hike, kayak and explore God's majestic creation. She participates in her church's healing prayer ministry and has experienced firsthand the power of prayer.

Books by Christine Johnson

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2016 INSPY Award Short List