Lord, this was not how it was supposed to end.

Allison Carter had dedicated her life to being a missionary in the jungles of Peru. Now she was being dragged into an unknown future by the very people she had come to reach. They had attacked without warning or provocation.

With her infant son in her arms and her husband, Eric, lying facedown with an arrow in his back, death seemed preferable to captivity in a primitive tribe, with customs and mindsets alien to her own.

But Allison had to stay alive--if only to protect Isaac--to raise him to fear the one true God ...

... that same God who had allowed her to suffer so much?

Stubborn as she was in resisting her abusive captors, Allison's greatest battle was not with them, but with the God she thought she knew. Why did He not rescue her? Where was He in her suffering? Could He still be trusted with Isaac's and her future?

As she grew to know--and even forgive--her captors, the answers Allison received did not come quickly, nor were they always the answers she wanted to hear.

At times gut-wrenching, at others flavored with humor, Yielded Captive explores a question often left unanswered by modern-day Christianity:

Why would a God of love allow His own children to suffer--and what could He possibly accomplish from such suffering?

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About The Author

Dalaina May lives with her husband, Dan, and their four rowdy boys in the jungles of Peru where they serve on a church-planting team among the Caquinte tribe. Dalaina spends most of her time dragging her children out of trees, embarrassing herself in front of her neighbors, and writing whenever the sun provides enough energy to charge the batteries.

Books by Dalaina May

Yielded Captive

Allison Carter had dedicated her life to being a missionary in the jungles of Peru. Now she was being dragged into an unknown future by the very people she had come to reach. They had attacked without warning or provocation.

News & Features: Dalaina May