Gabriel, the Duke of St. Easton, is ordered by the King to take
guardianship over Lady Alexandria Featherstone whose parents are
presumed dead after failing to return from a high profile treasure hunt.
But Alexandria ignores this royal reassignment, believing her parents
are still alive and duly following clues that may lead to their
whereabouts. Gabriel, pressured by what are actually the King’s ulterior
motives, pursues her across windswept England and the rolling green
hills of Ireland but is always one step behind …

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About The Author

Jamie Carie

is the author of Snow Angel, winner of a 2007 National "Best Books" Award and a ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year nominee. She lives with  her husband and three children in Indianapolis.

Books by Jamie Carie

News & Features: Jamie Carie

Jamie Carie: Passionate About Love