After taking two football seasons off, Riley Covington is attempting to make a comeback in the league while trying to forget Khadi Faroughi, now on security detail for a prominent senator.

But a new attack turns both of their lives upside down yet again. During a state funeral, terrorists overrun the National Cathedral and take senators, congressmen, and their entourages hostage, including Khadi. This new generation of The Cause is made up of homegrown terrorists—an inside threat to the security of the nation. They release most of the hostages, but not all. Several, including Khadi, are kept behind as significant bargaining chips.

The Cause pledges to behead one member of Congress each day throughout the month of Ramadan as a punishment for their own country’s rejection of Islam. Despite the protests of Counter-Terrorism Division director Scott Ross, Riley races to CTD armed with a plan and a fierce determination to rescue Khadi at all costs.

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About The Author

Jason Elam spent 17 years as a placekicker in the NFL before recently retiring. He is working on a master's degree in global apologetics at Liberty Theological Seminary. He and wife Tamy have five children and live in Alaska. Steve Yohn grew up a pastor's kid in Fresno, California, and graduated from Multnomah Bible College with a bachelor's degree in biblical studies. His wife, Nancy, and their daughter are the joys of his life.

Books by Jason Elam and Steve Yohn