Mimi Pearson, director of FIRST Wild Card Tours, which uses blog tours to promote books, has started an independent press, FIRST Wild Card Press. Its first book will be her novel, F.A.I.R.I.E.S.: Baptism by Fire. Unwittingly chosen to join an army of fairies, that fights for the Light of the One, a teen girl learns about spiritual warfare as she attends a military academy with fantastical beings.

Mimi says, “Always a lover of reading fantasy, I started writing FAIRIES when I worked at a children’s home for ‘at-risk’ kids. My husband and I were houseparents: Nine youth lived with us, besides our own kids. Writing became my stress relief. I would write at night after everyone went to sleep, making up the FAIRIES world as I went along.”

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About The Author

M. C. Pearson served as a multi-media illustrator in the United States Army, earning the rank of sergeant, and spent four years as a house parent for at-risk youth. Now married over 20 years, she homeschools her two children, volunteers with her church youth group, and runs a book review blog alliance (FIRST Wild Card Tours) while writing and drawing. F.A.I.R.I.E.S.: Baptism by Fire is her first novel.