Calvin Hardy Jr. seems to have it all–a loving wife, active children and a successful career as a project development engineer. Yet he is so consumed with anger toward his father that it threatens to destroy any chance of happiness he has at home. Driven by deep-seated resentment from having found his father cheating on his mother in his youth, Calvin eventually makes a poor business decision that takes him away from his wife and children just when they need him most. It is only when an unthinkable, life-altering event occurs that Calvin sees the devastating effect of his long-held anger on not only himself, but on the family he worked so hard to build…

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About The Author

Nikki Miller is the CEO of NRM Faith Based Films. She's an actress, singer, screenwriter, producer and now author. She also mentors and speaks with young people to help with strive for their dreams without making compromises to reach them.

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