Former Alaskan sled-dog musher Ben Grayson is still grieving the tragic loss of his dog team. So much that he put the reins — and his dreams — away.
Now a photographer, Ben’s covering the Gold Rush Trail sled-dog race. He’s surprised his heart isn’t more guarded around lovely journalist Clementine Phillips — until he learns that Clementine plans to handle a sled-dog team herself. Ben can’t bear the thought of Clementine in danger.
So he comes up with a compromise — one to keep her close … forever.

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About The Author

Teri Wilson grew up as an only child and her love of books has led her to her dream career—writing. Teri spends as much time as she can seeing exotic places for herself, then coming home and writing about them, of course. When she isn’t traveling or spending quality time with her laptop, she enjoys baking cupcakes, going to movies and hanging out with her family, friends and four dogs. Teri lives in San Antonio, Texas.

Books by Teri Wilson