Can a good, hard-working Christian man disregard his cultural and religious admonitions—as well as his mother’s plans for his life—for the love of a woman and an historic church building?

Oliver Barnett is a good contractor, a good Christian, and an obedient son, never in trouble, never one to rock the boat until real estate developer Samantha Cohen enters his life. Samantha, full of life, vitality, and wit, is unlike any woman he has ever known-in more ways than one. Not only is she planning to transform an historic church near downtown Pittsburgh into a restaurant/nightclub, she is Jewish and she has a less-than-innocent past.

At the same time, an old girlfriend, Paula, rekindles a long-ago relationship with him-with the enthusiastic encouragement of Oliver’s domineering mother. Paula would be the safe choice, and the choice that would appease Mom, yet Oliver is drawn to Samantha because of her beauty and her exotic nature. Oliver finds himself in a most unsettling dilemma. Does he do what’s right by the nice girl his mother has chosen for him, or does he do what his heart is telling him to do?

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About The Author

After nine co-authored books with her husband Jim, Terri Kraus, has added her award-winning interior designer's eye to her world of fiction. She comes to the Restoration series naturally, having survived the remodel, renovation and restoration of three separate residences. She makes her home in Wheaton, IL, with her husband, son Elliot, schnauzer Rufus and Siberian cat Petey.

Books by Terri Kraus