It’s always fascinating the varied career paths writers seem to take before they leap into the often perilous world of publishing—Trish Perry’s is no exception.

Before she was the author of such Christian romantic comedies as The Guy I’m Not Dating and Too Good to Be True, Trish Perry was working for the Securities and Exchange Commission. Realizing she was more intrigued by people than money, Trish left the SEC and returned to school, completed a Psychology degree and began to dabble in writing.

“I don’t see anything romantic about power and money,” Trish admits. “Maybe that’s why I tend to put my romantic leads in professions far removed from Wall Street and corporate America.”

Trish always has enjoyed reading romance novels, so she soon turned to romantic comedies. “That was what I read or viewed when I wanted to have a good time,” she says. “I’m still that way.”

Following on from her debut novel and its sequel, Trish wrote Beach Dreams and Sunset Beach, meeting readers’ desire for fresh and entertaining stories with multi-layered characters, often struggling with relationships in their lives.

“Because I’ve studied so much about how our minds and emotions drive our behaviors and decisions, it’s easier for me to imagine what personalities would attract and repel each other,” she says. “My studies have also helped me to understand dysfunctional romantic attractions, which comes in handy for creating conflict in my romances.”

Trish’s latest foray into romantic fiction is her Tea Shop Series, commencing with the brand-new The Perfect Blend (Harvest House) and in March 2011, Tea for Two.

The idea for a tea shop was planted by her editor at Harvest House, which bloomed into Milly’s tea shop. “Milly is British and classy and sharp witted,” Trish says. “She has great respect for people, love and the Lord. I’m having terrific fun with the series and my imaginary friends in Middleburg.”

As the daughter of a Brit, Trish enjoys a good cuppa, either a comforting English Breakfast or when her sweet tooth calls, an exotic Chai; so it will be fascinating to see what Milly serves up!

So what can readers expect when they pick up The Perfect Blend or any Trish Perry romance? “Certainly the promise of a happy ending,” Trish says. “A swoon-worthy hero—not necessarily physically so, but most definitely with regard to his ultimately noble character and attractive personality. A heroine with faults, struggles, and a hungry heart—whether she realizes it or not.”

There’s no question Trish’s stories tap into readers’ desires for a sweet and funny romance, confirmed by reader responses she treasures. “I thrive on learning how my funny little romances touch people in a ‘God way.’”

After reading The Guy I’m Not Dating, the story of a young woman who decides to take the no-dating approach to romance, a reader shared with Trish, “I had read many resources and books on the subject. But your approach is my favorite…Thank you for your book, it just reminded me that God has different plans that work for different people and I just have to rely on his perfect timing and foreknowledge.”—Rel Mollet

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About The Author

Trish Perry is an award-winning writer and editor of Ink and the Spirit, a quarterly newsletter of the Capital Christian Writers organization in the Washington DC area. She has published numerous short stories, essays, devotionals, and poetry in Christian and general market media, and she is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers group.