Separated from his friend by a thousand
miles and unable to return to The Realm of Glimpses, Aidan
Thomas needs a way to reach Robby with the message of King Eliam, the
one true King.


Enter Antoinette Lynn Reed, a bright but
headstrong young lady who believes in the Scrolls of Alleble and has a
passion for full-contact Kendo. When Aidan discovers that Antoinette has
been called to enter The Realm, he solicits her help to find Robby’s
Glimpse before it is too late.

When she arrives in Alleble, Antoinette finds the kingdom is in turmoil. Alleble’s allies are
inexplicably beginning to turn away, renouncing former ties with King Eliam. And there are rumors that the dark Prince of Paragory is seeking an ancient evil to crush Alleble once and for all.

Can Antoinette and a team of Alleble’s finest knights learn the secret of
Paragory’s growing power? And will they be able to stop the Rise of the Wyrm Lord?