In February, look for the latest from Mary Ellis, An Amish Family Reunion (Harvest House). During a rumschpringe visit to Niagara Falls, artist Phoebe Miller meets storyteller Eli Riehl—and soon the two Amish young people embark on the unlikely venture of teaming up for a children’s book. But when Eli’s father suffers a heart attack, Eli gives up his writing to take care of the farm. Though willing to abandon his dream of becoming an author, he won’t give up his beloved Phoebe. Can their love for a good story develop into something that lasts forever, or will Phoebe’s deep-seated fear of desertion stand in their way?

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About The Author

Mary Ellis is the author of A Widow's Hope, Never Far from Home, The Way to a Man's Heart and Sarah's Christmas Miracle. She and her husband live in central Ohio, where they try to live a simpler style of life.