Susan K. Leigh, author of the God, I Need to Talk to You series, has moved into a new medium with the graphic novel Luther: Echoes of the Hammer. She and her publisher, Concordia Publishing House, noticed there were not many Martin Luther biographies for younger readers, especially, as Leigh puts it, “for a reader not drawn to reading. We developed this to stimulate interest in Luther and to appeal to the non-reader.” The title refers to the hammer Luther used to nail his 95 theses, and how the repercussions of that act still resonate today. The book uses comics, mini-biographies, and historical notes to present an historically accurate portrait of Luther and his times. Illustrated by Dave Hill.

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About The Author

Ben Avery is a high school teacher, a playwright, comic book writer, and active children's ministry worker. His work is designed to captivate readers and lead them to a closer relationship with Christ. He is the author of Kingdoms: A Biblical Epic and TimeFlyz.