Voice of the Martyrs is bringing the Gospel of John to animated life with the new film Jesus: He Lived Among Us. While movies, even animated movies, about the life of Christ are nothing new, this production has a unique purpose behind it: first and foremost, it is for people living in areas of the world where Christians are persecuted. The film, meant for people of all ages, follows the aged apostle and writer John as he is imprisoned and explaining to his jailers (and viewers) Jesus’ message and mission. It focuses on the suffering and persecution of Christ and His disciples, as a reminder and a hope to those who face persecution for their faith as well.

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About The Author

Ben Avery is a high school teacher, a playwright, comic book writer, and active children's ministry worker. His work is designed to captivate readers and lead them to a closer relationship with Christ. He is the author of Kingdoms: A Biblical Epic and TimeFlyz.