It’s a perfect plan … best friends Leah Bowen and Jake Lure will each advertise for mail-order spouses in the papers, and then Jake will help select Leah’s future husband, while Leah picks Jake’s bride-to-be! Surely the ads will find them what they seek: a wife who’ll appreciate Jake’s shy charm and a groom who’ll take Leah away from the Idaho Territory she detests. When the responses to the postings pour in, it seems all Leah’s and Jake’s dreams will soon come true. But the closer they each get to the altar, the less appealing marrying a stranger becomes. Is it too late to turn back — or to turn around and find the happiness they truly seek together, at last?

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About The Author

Debra Ullrick and her husband lived and worked on various cattle ranches throughout the Rocky Mountains more than twenty-five years. The last ranch they lived at, a famous movie star and her purchased property there. Another ranch they worked on, Kurt Russell hunted on it, and her husband took Eddie Albert horseback riding. Debra and her husband have since moved to the flatlands, where they're dealing with cultural whiplash.

Books by Debra Ullrick

News & Features: Debra Ullrick