A female physician with an adopted black daughter? The townsfolk of Idaho Bend will never accept Dr. Mercy Gabriel—even when faced with a deadly cholera epidemic. But all Mercy needs is one man willing to listen…and to trust.

Four years of war command turned Lon Mackey into a footloose gambler who can’t abide attachments. Yet he can’t help getting riled by the threats Mercy keeps receiving. Her trailblazing courage could reignite his faith and humanity. And his loyalty could make her dream—for the first time—of a family of her own….

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About The Author

Lyn Cote and her husband live on the shores of a clear glacial lake in the northwoods of Wisconsin. They went to the local animal shelter and picked out two cats—a dainty little golden tabby that Lyn named Sadie and a big gold and white Tom that her husband named V-8. 

Books by Lyn Cote

News & Features: Lyn Cote