An old love letter found in the glove compartment of a young woman’s inherited 1972 Volkswagen propels her to leave her life in Los Angeles and go to the small town of Capitola, California. There her dream of finding the writer of the letter leads her on an unexpected journey that changes her life forever.

Claire James, age twenty-three, is ready to make it on her own. When she’s fired from her job as a waitress and subsequently kicked out of her sister’s home, she sees it as an opportunity to start over. But even before moving, a thirty-five-year-old love letter written to her mother keeps Claire stuck in the past. Michael Thompson, a middle-aged real estate agent, wants to keep the past where it belongs — at least until his grown daughter is married. But, then a young woman comes to town …

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About The Author

Sherry Kyle is a freelance writer and a small group leader for her church. She's an active member of the Christian Writers Fellowship International, American Christian Fiction Writers, and Adoption Writers. Sherry has four children, three homegrown and one by adoption. When she isn’t writing, she enjoys jazz concerts with her husband, Douglas, watching movies, and spending time with her family in central California.

Books by Sherry Kyle