“We call you Saint.”

The name ignited a light in Carl’s mind.
Saint. He’d been covertly recruited for Black Ops and given his life to
the most brutal kind of training any man or woman could endure. He was
here because he belonged here. To the X Group.

An assassin; the
most effective killer in the world. And yet . . . Carl Strople struggles
to retain fleeting memories that betray an even more ominous reality.
He’s been told part of the truth — but what’s the rest?

techniques have stripped him of his identity and made him someone
new — for this he is grateful. But there are some things they can’t take
from him. The love of a woman, unbroken loyalties to his past, the
need for survival.

From the deep woods of Hungary to the streets of New York, Saint
takes you on a journey of betrayal in a world of government cover-ups,
political intrigue, and one man’s search for the truth. In the end, that
truth will be his undoing.