Branan gets mixed up in an adventure to retrieve the stolen Serpent Staff of Moses — but can he trust his new friends?

Stopping from his journey to rest his camel, Branan learns how the presence of the stolen Serpent Staff of Moses has brought ruin to a Philistine town. What he doesn’t realize is that the young woman he agrees to help retrieve the relic from a powerful warrior is actually the Witch of Endor. Joining Branan as he descends dark tunnels and fights his way through a heavily guarded fortress, Son of Samson fans will learn that divine power and strength do not reside in objects and relics, but come from the Creator.

Samson’s mighty son Branan traces his famous father’s footsteps as he battles the Philistines. Throughout the different episodes, with both humor and action, he learns about God’s purpose for his life and inherited strength.