Looking ahead to Ted Dekker’s upcoming novels that revisit the world of his Circle series, trade journal Publishers Weekly talked with the author about how his new books are both a continuation but also break into new territory. With more than 10 million books sold, Dekker has signed with Revell for two new books. First comes The 49th Mystic in May, followed by The Rise of the Mystics in October.

RELATED: Ted Dekker Comes Full Circle with ‘The 49th Mystic’

He told PW that The 49th Mystic is “the culmination of everything I’ve written.”

“I came to a point where I realized I needed to let go of my identity as a writer, husband, father and search for my identity as a human. This is a natural progression of the journey I’ve been on for decades, to understand who I am and why I’m here.”

Read the original article here.

Visit Ted Dekker’s author page here: https://www.familyfiction.com/authors/ted-dekker 

About The 49th Mystic

Some say the great mystery of how one can live in two worlds at once died with Thomas Hunter many years ago. Still others that the gateway to that greater reality was and is only the stuff of dreams.

They are wrong.

In the small town of Eden, Utah, a blind girl named Rachelle Matthews is about to find out just how wrong.

When a procedure meant to restore Rachelle’s sight goes awry, she begins to dream of another world so real that she wonders if Earth might only be a dream experienced when she falls asleep in that reality.

She is the prophesied one who must find and recover five ancient seals–in both worlds–before powerful enemies destroy her. If Rachelle succeeds in her quest, peace will reign. If she fails, both worlds will forever be locked in darkness.

So begins a two-volume saga of high stakes and a mind-bending quest to find an ancient path that will save humanity. The clock is ticking; the end rushes forward.

Ready? Set?


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