Diana Greenwood’s debut novel, Insight (Zondervan),
has been re-released in paperback with a new
cover. This 1940s-set story of a family living under the
shadow of alcoholism focuses on 14-year-old Elvira.
Elvira struggles with the guilt of encouraging her MIA
father to enlist. Her sister Jessie has a secret as well;
one that will take the family from remote Wisconsin
to California.

This article originally appeared in the October/November 2012 issue of FamilyFiction Edge digital magazine. Subscribe for free today!

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About The Author

Diana Greenwood grew up with the Bobbsey Twins, Laura Ingalls, Huck and Tom, and the Hardy Boys. Today, she still has those childhood editions on her bookshelf and spends her days writing stories of young people embarking on life-changing journeys. Diana makes her home in the Napa Valley, where she watches college football, volunteers at her church, and continues to devour books.