Like Garrison Keillor’s fabled Lake Wobegon and
Jan Karon’s beloved Mitford, author Gail Sattler has
fashioned a charming, quaint community of lovable
oddballs in Bloomfield. With Take the Trophy and
(B&H Books), Gail invites readers to these idyllic
surroundings and provides an introduction to The
Bloomfield Garden Club, an all-ages group of delightful
eccentrics who will stop at nothing to make sure their
community is nothing short of heaven on earth.

“Bloomfield is a town full of Christian folks who
love their neighbors enough to annoy the daylights
out of them,” Gail says. “They attend church, go to
work, attend festivals with their families, and stick
their noses into everyone else’s business—with the
best of intentions, of course.”

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About The Author

Gail Sattler is a Heartsong Presents Hall of Fame author with 17 novels as well as four Love Inspired novels, 12 anthologized novellas, as well as gift books, cookbooks, and contributions to the One-Year Life Devotional and books by Debra White Smith. She is a longstanding member of East Ridge Community Fellowship, a Mennonite Brethren church. She lives and writes in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.