Despite Mona Hodgson’s lack of
enthusiasm for her high school
history classes, she now finds
past centuries fascinating.

Her Sinclair Sisters of Cripple
Creek Series (Waterbrook Press)
is set in the 1800s. “I’m inspired by
the pluck and faith of the stalwart
women, particularly the pioneers
of the Wild West,” Mona claims.

A renowned children’s writer,
Mona turned her hand to historical
romance in 2010 with Two
Brides Too Many
. The Sinclair
sisters—Kat, Nell, Ida and
Vivian—feature in the first three
books of the series and in the
final story, Twice a Bride, widow
Willow Raines Peterson takes
centre stage. A second chance for
love presents itself to Willow in
the form of photographer Trenton
Van der Heer, and she starts
to dream of sharing the happiness
she sees enjoyed by Ida and
her sisters. While not a Sinclair,
Willow bears the title of sister-in-law to Ida Sinclair Raines. “I
introduced Willow in Too Rich for
a Bride
, and she made a cameo
appearance at the end of the story.
In Twice a Bride, Willow is the
newest resident at Miss Hattie’s
Boarding house and quickly
becomes a sister-friend to Ida, Kat,
Nell and Vivian.” Mona stresses
that women were well aware of
their need for community in the
1800s, drawing strength and joy
from companionship with each
other, often brought together by
desperate loneliness.

Mona’s own upbringing is
reflected in these stories: “Like
Ida, I am the big sister, the oldest
of four Gansberg girls. I also
share Ida’s ambitious nature, and
we’re both businesswomen; she
manages the Raines Ice Company,
and I manage my own business as
a writer and speaker.”

While Mona is delighted if
her readers enjoy her stories,
she prays for more: “I want my
readers to know they are not
alone, but instead part of a sisterhood
that can encourage and lend
assistance. I want my characters’
journeys to draw us all deeper
into the matchless heart of our
gracious God.”

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About The Author

Award-winning author Mona Hodgson writes historical romance and children’s books, not to mention short stories, articles, and poems. She speaks regularly at women’s retreats, schools, and conferences throughout the United States and Canada. She lives in Arizona with her husband and has two daughters and four grandchildren.