Chris Well is the editor-at-large for FamilyFiction and creator of Build Your Brand Academy

For most authors, if you don’t promote your book then nobody is going to do it. One of the most effective ways to rise above the noise is to convince an influencer in the media to put you in front of their audience. That puts your name—and your book—in front of far more potential readers than you can possibly reach yourself.

Too often, authors think they can’t get media coverage. However, having worked more than 30 years in the media, I can tell you that from experience that with the right email to the right person, you can absolutely get booked for an interview by the media.

Here are three steps for ANY author to get media coverage:


When an author has a shiny new book, it’s so easy to become fixated on it. But your book is one point of entry into your world. You are more than your book—you’re a teacher, or a storyteller, or an expert.

Instead of focusing on your book, focus on a topic of interest to that audience–and yourself as an authority in your field. When you shift the focus onto a topic, that will open so many more doors for you.


Not everybody is interested in your topic of expertise. While it’s easy to think you want to get in front of a big, general-interest audience, you’ll get more traction whn you’re in front of a focused audience that’s interested in your topic or category.

In this day and age, you have more access than ever before to find and connect with influencers. In the past, there were layers of personnel between you and that person. Today, you’re just one email away from booking an interview or a spot on that show.


Once you find the right influencer speaking to the right audience, the actual pitch that you make should almost never be about yourself or your book. Instead, pitch a topic that will be of interest to that influencer’s audience—and yourself as an expert who can discuss that topic.

Think back to how you’ve seen other authors covered in the media. The headline or the segment was almost always a topic. That’s what hooked you to stay tuned or to turn to that page.

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In that segment or article, the viewer or reader or listener is introduced to an expert who can walk the audience through the topic. Why is this person an expert? He or she wrote a book.

Granted, some books lend themselves to a topic more easily than others. If you’re having trouble thinking of a topic that springs out of your book, ask yourself:

  • What did I learn in the course of researching or writing this book?
  • What life experiences led to me writing this book?
  • What issues do the characters in this book face?

When in doubt, create an event and make that the pitch. Lead a workshop, hold a talk, have a panel discussion, or conduct a demonstration at a local library, school, business, church or other venue. When you want to expand to publicity in other counties or states, hold an event in their local area.


Remember: With the right email to the right person, anyone can contact the media and get set up with a guest interview. There’s never been a better time to access the power of publicity.

If you’re ready to pitch your book to members of the media, I invite you to download the Book Promotion Campaign Blueprint. This free PDF makes it easy to map out your book promotion. The download comes with a BONUS set of five email lessons to create an amazing email pitch to the media!

Chris Well is the editor-at-large for FamilyFiction and creator of Build Your Brand Academy. A media veteran with 30+ years experience working in the media, Chris has worked professionally in print, broadcasting, and digital media. Also a published novelist, Chris has written suspense and mysteries for traditional publishers and as a self-published author.

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FamilyFiction is an information hub for all fans of Christian storytelling. We offer the latest news, interviews, and upcoming releases from your favorite Christian authors and filmmakers!