One of the main characters in your book struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Why did you decided to write about this topic?

I struggled with PTSD after our home invasion in Russia, and so I do know, in a very small way, the feelings of panic, frustration, and helplessness. I wanted to tackle those very real feelings that linger long after the event or life situation that caused the PTSD, and explore just one of the ways God helped me, personally, to deal with it. Everyone is different, but I loved the journey that Orion and Jenny trek, emotionally, as they grapple with their regrets and fears and hold on to courage.

In your new series, your characters are comprised of ex-military, former SEALs, and Pararescue jumpers who are bonded together to save and rescue the lost. What type of research was required to accurately portray your characters’ former careers?

LOTS! And I’m still researching. My husband served in the Army, and my son is in the Navy, so they’ve been great sources of information, as well as a plethora of books, memoirs, first accounts, and friends who have served. I am so very grateful for the heroes and heroines who give their lives to protect our country.

What do you hope readers gain from reading your new series?

Edifying entertainment that offers hope, encouragement, and time well spent. I am keenly aware of the entertainment choices out there, and my goal is to write stories that readers are glad they read, that give them truth and enrich their lives, even if only to let them fall in love with characters who inspire them.

What is the title for your second book in this series and when will it release?

The Heart of a Hero! It hits the shelves in June!

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